Positivity Quotes

Transform your mindset and radiate optimism with these uplifting positivity quotes, carefully curated to inspire confidence, spark joy, and help you focus on the good in every day.

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you."

- Walt Whitman

"Positive anything is better than negative nothing."

- Elbert Hubbard

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results."

- Willie Nelson

"In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision."

- Dalai Lama

"Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life."

- Charlie Brown

"Every day may not be good... but there’s something good in every day."

- Alice Morse Earle

"Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude."

- Lou Holtz

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

- C.S. Lewis

"Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart."

- Roy T. Bennett

"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you."

- Mary Lou Retton

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

- Theodore Roosevelt

"Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power."

- William James

"A positive mindset brings positive things."

- Phillip Reiter

"The only place where your dreams become impossible is in your own thinking."

- Robert H. Schuller

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."

- Francesca Reigler

"The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on."

- Charles Dickens

"If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door."

- Milton Berle

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."

- Robert Collier

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

- John Wooden

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words."

- Gandhi

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

- Norman Vincent Peale

"Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."

- Sam Levenson

"Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you."

- Les Brown

"Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people."

- Roy T. Bennett

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."

- Zig Ziglar

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."

- William James

"It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up."

- Vince Lombardi

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."

- Colin Powell

"You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind."

- Joyce Meyer

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."

- Oprah Winfrey

"The power of imagination makes us infinite."

- John Muir

"Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile, and start again."

- Unknown

"Positive thoughts lead to positive results."

- Maria V. Snyder

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."

- Winston Churchill

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

- Theodore Roosevelt

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do."

- Kobe Bryant

"Turn your wounds into wisdom."

- Oprah Winfrey

"Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success."

- Shiv Khera

"Light tomorrow with today."

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Positivity always wins…Always."

- Gary Vaynerchuk

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

- John Wooden